eHi....Happy New Year to everybody. Wishing you guys will have the bestest years ahead. Anyway, please do forgive me for this long non updated blog. Blame it to my internet line, and trust me I hate it so much when this happened.

* Kindly note that the postage fee will be added up, due to the items weightage.
Art is something I adore and Make up is one of them. Love it, adore it and most of all addicted to it....
eHi....Happy New Year to everybody. Wishing you guys will have the bestest years ahead. Anyway, please do forgive me for this long non updated blog. Blame it to my internet line, and trust me I hate it so much when this happened.
Posted by Miez@ @ziz at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Make up Palette
Happy New Year!!!...Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharam.
Alhamdulillah....that Allah still give us the opportunity to celebrate and to enjoy this new 1431 H. All I wish is the best years to come and it starting from this year.
I really want to say thank you for all your comments, either it' good or bad. I just want to take everything in positive way, coz I am learning and your comments really help me a lot. even give me confident boost to work hard for dream.
I wish only the best for all of you....and hope you guys pray for my success.
Thank you so Much.....
Posted by Miez@ @ziz at 2:32 AM 0 comments
I know this is ancient history but, still it is my work so I think I should show it!!! Am I right? or am I right? Anyway, this is not the first time I did her make second time actually. This was Etiqa Hari Raya Open House, so my friend said she want to look nice. So my job is to make he look nice, but she didn't want strong look just....(again) natural. So this is her natural look.
Please do appologise me, coz I don't have her before look. And after this I won't forget about it ok. Anyway just for info.....her lips is from 32 Lip Palette and for her eyeshadows I used 28 Neutral Palette. And this is my new product that sell. Nice right!!!
Many thanks for fariz ramli for the picture.
Posted by Miez@ @ziz at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Make Overs
New products have arrive, and this time I want to introduce you 78 Palette ( Combination of 73 eyeshadows and 5 blushers). This is very beautiful palette, and personaly I like this product so much!!!
Posted by Miez@ @ziz at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Make up Palette
It's been a long...long time I didn't any make overs, so this time I just want to show you guys some of my work. These are my friends, and I did their make up for my company annual dinner. The concept was 1950s'so what else cat eyes is my theme.
Since they were so scared of red lippy, then all of them just go for natural look!!! Except me, hahaha....because this is the time I gone mad and all red lipstick for me....for the first time (in public)
So enjoy the picas ok....and yes with my 120 palette of course:-
* I don't ave their before pictures except Dilla coz she is so nice, and she gave me the pictures...muuuaaahhhhssssslve u Dilla.
Posted by Miez@ @ziz at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Make Overs
Actually this goal is got nothing to do with make up...totally nothing. But still it involve with my look. Ok...this is the story, after I gave resign my job as a customer service 0n 2005. My weight gained so much...until now.
This year is the worst because I can hid my fat even when I wear baju kurung..... and it's not anice view at all, so I have set a new goal to loose some weight, I don't care how long it takes!!! My weight now is 75kg, and yes I am huge. I even have problem with my knee, I have this what people call "runner legs" problem ( I guess I said correct) . It worsen and worsen...and it's very painful.
Posted by Miez@ @ziz at 12:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Personal Me